viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Planning the invansion

General Eisenhower was the supreme comander from da d-day attack, their was a new plan assembled and their were preparde began 1943. The attacked occured 1944.
Normandy was chosen for the landings because it was in range of fighter aircraft based in England and had open beaches that were not as well defended as those of the Pas de Calais. Beforde d-day the Allied air forces wrecked the railways and bridges of northern France and achieved the necessary weakening of German air force strength. Other preparations included the manufacture of equipment including transport ships, landing craft, amphibious tanks and artificial harbours. For the war they mobilize materials and human huge. For the ships would download their package and passangers.
File:Invasion Training in England 03.jpgAllied forces practice the marine landings.

Maps of allied showing there strategy, and the  enemy movements.

The attack of Normandy was delayed a day because hte  weather problems, which helped the Alliedto practice and perfect there strategy. Something that was fundamental for the attack was the now common and everyday used pocket watch, which helped the general timing the attack perfectly. This operation was a success and is  known as the best landing and invasion operation of all time.

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